it’s ON….eat out now!

sf restaurant week2

image courtesy golden gate restaurant association facebook page

SF Restaurant Week, Dine Around Town. I know….I was confused at first too. The Golden Gate Restaurant Association has taken over what the SF Convention and Visitor’s Bureau, more recently called San Francisco Travel, began 13 years ago as a way to boost sales in an ever so dismal restaurant month. Not only does the 10 day long event have a new name, SF Restaurant Week, but it also has a benefactor (SF-Marin Food Bank… apropos) and seems to be oh so much better organized. There are more restaurants involved, there are better restaurants involved, there are more menus available and they are posted online. Duh….we need that information to make good decisions! There’s even a contest to win some cash so that you can go back to your favorite restaurant and eat off the regular menu.

Okay, so a few deets:

  • SF Restaurant Week lasts for 10 days….a week is 7 days, but no matter
  • choose lunch ($25), dinner ($40) or discovery ($85, which includes wine pairing for heavens’ sake)
  • check out this eater sf article to see the best deals and worst deals
  • check out this list of participating restaurants
  • review menus, and look at what the restaurant is NOT including (like the 4% for ‘sf employer mandates’ that they might tack on to your bill)
  • make reservations through OpenTable…every reservation nets the SF-Marin Food Bank 25¢…you have ten days to eat out a lot and help out a little, or click here to help out a lot
  • once you arrive take a pic of the menu, your food, and your smiling face and enter to win some ca$h

I’d suggest you get on it now. I just went online to make Saturday night reservations at a couple of little neighborhood places and can’t eat until 9:30. Don’t wait people! You have 10 days to eat your heart out.

Keep in touch,

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